Wedding Agreement Nonton Online Lk21

Wedding Agreement: A Romantic Comedy that Everyone Should Watch Online on LK21

Wedding Agreement is a romantic comedy movie directed by Archie Hekagery that premiered on August 8, 2019, in Indonesia. The movie stars Indah Permatasari and Refal Hady as Tari and Bian, respectively, who have to enter into a marriage of convenience to please their families. The movie has become a huge success in Indonesia and has been well-received by audiences worldwide. If you haven`t seen this movie yet, you can watch it online on LK21.

What is Wedding Agreement About?

The movie revolves around Tari, a young woman who is happy to marry the man she loves, but her hopes are shattered when she finds out that her fiancé, Afi, is already married. To save face and to please her family, she agrees to marry Bian, a successful businessman who wants to inherit his family`s wealth, but is being pressured to get married by his mother.

Bian and Tari enter into a marriage agreement in which they must agree to live together and pretend to be a happy couple for a year. However, their agreement becomes complicated when Tari starts to develop feelings for Bian, who is still in love with his ex-girlfriend, Sarah.

Why Should You Watch Wedding Agreement?

Wedding Agreement is a movie that will make you laugh, cry, and swoon all at the same time. It`s a heartwarming romantic comedy that explores the complexities of relationships and the importance of family. The movie has a great cast, and the chemistry between Indah Permatasari and Refal Hady is undeniable.

Apart from the great storyline and cast, Wedding Agreement also has a beautiful soundtrack that complements the movie`s themes. The movie`s theme song, „Mantan Terindah,“ sung by Kahitna, has become an instant hit and is a testament to the movie`s popularity.

Where Can You Watch Wedding Agreement Online?

If you`re looking to watch Wedding Agreement online, you can do so on LK21. LK21 is a popular Indonesian streaming website that has a vast collection of movies, TV shows, and dramas. It`s easy to navigate, and you can search for Wedding Agreement using the website`s search bar. The website also provides subtitles in various languages, making it accessible to a wider audience.

In conclusion, if you`re looking for a feel-good movie with a great storyline, cast, and soundtrack, Wedding Agreement is a must-watch. It`s a movie that will leave you feeling happy and satisfied. You can watch it online on LK21 and join the millions of people who have already fallen in love with this romantic comedy.

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